Assortment of photos from 2008

We've been very bad at updating our site, so here are some highlights photos since the last time we've done so (the beginning of 2008).

(Click on the photo's thumbnails to see the full size image or it is possible to download all the photos here)


In February we taken a short visit to Israel


In March Danit had a field trip aboard a sail ship. They really made them work... In April we did our first camping trip since the Girls were born to Wheeler Gorge Campground just north of Santa Barbara.

Toward the end of the school year the Girls got a new belt in Karate. Danit had several concerts with Honor Strings (she's in the picture with the strings director Mr. Mollick).

Right after school ended we took a trip to beautiful Cabo San Lucas in Mexico.

In the summer the Girls have been in many camps. Danit's highlight was a week at Lazy J Camp which was her first week away from home by herself. When we picked her up the first thing she said was that she want to do it again next year!

We celebrated Adi's 6th birthday at the Begg pool.

As the school started also Adi's 2nd soccer season started.

Popoki is not our only animal at home anymore. Adi found a wild lizard at a friends birthday party, but after Popoki almost killed it (it cut his tail off - you can see it in the left picture), we set it free and got a more friendly lizard for Adi (center picture).

Halloween is always fun!

And we just celebrated Danit's first decade with friends at home.